“Capacity Development Project for a Village-Based Sustainable Primary Education Strategy” (CADVES)
CADVES is a project to improve basic education in Loitokitok, a town in southern Kenya. By introducing data analysis to school management, developing teaching materials in Maasai, and supporting out-of-school children, CADVES aims to develop the capacity of communities to provide high-quality education for their own children.
BackgroundSince its independence in 1963, the Republic of Kenya has always put basic education as one of the most important sectors. Regardless, unequal access to education and declining quality of education have become serious problems that need to be addressed. These issues are more pronounced in the poorer districts, and in such areas school management is becoming increasingly more difficult due to the excessive burden on the community members.

Summary of Activities
Training local staff
In order to create an environment in which communities can make full use of the information collected on the quality of education, we train our local staff, who are responsible for giving support to the community members, in educational statistics, conducting analyses using statistics software, as well as giving technical assistance including the development of a School Education Plan.
The local staff are also given instructions to publicize the analyzed data on a web page so that the communities gain access to high-quality information and can make use of the information to expand their community activities.
Improving literacy and intra-community information sharing
“Governance and Leadership Training” is held annually to the chief, the school principal and the representative of the school board of management to improve school management. Also, the meeting to spread awareness of the current situation and the future outlook of education in the target communities is held more than 6 times a year, after which the establishment of the School Education Plan is expected. Furthermore, literacy classes are held to improve literacy rate.
Training teachers and developing teaching materials
“The schools in Loitokitok often lack textbooks in Maasai as well as teachers trained to teach in Maasai. For lower grade school children, however, getting basic education in Maasai, their mother tongue, ensures better understanding and smoother transition to education in Swahili and/or English in later years. CADVES therefore is creating appropriate teaching materials as well as textbooks in Maasai to be distributed to each target school. Based on the analysis and revision of the existing textbooks, the Maasai people develop teaching materials for the lower grade school children. We also plan to train teachers of the lower grade classes every year and evaluate its impact on the quality of education.
Establishment of a resource room
There are a number of out-of-school children who cannot attend school for various reasons including parents refusing to let their children attend school, schools rejecting enrollment in fear of getting a lower result for the national exam, and a lack of appropriate environment for the disabled children to receive education, etc.
In all the target communities, we promote each community to acquire information on the number of out-of-school children and increase awareness of the problems that those children face.
From the second year onward, a “resource room” will be established at schools to facilitate learning of out-of-school children according to their diverse needs.